
So Many Blogs in One Day!

In one afternoon even! They boys were tired out from swimming, so I’ve had a super long naptime to write. Yay! And since I’ve been a bit behind I thought I would get these out. I have one more I’m working on, but I usually like to go back and re-read them (which is usually the hold up in getting them posted). Anyway, be thankful with me for long naptimes and the energy to hopefully write something coherent!


  1. Jodi:

    Long naps are such wonderful things- also bedtimes by 8:30. I would get nothing done without them.

  2. Shayna:

    We had about a 5 month period where the boys wouldn’t go to sleep until around 10pm and that was with us starting at 8! That was when they were climbing out of their crib and we had to move them to the floor. Ever since we got the toddler beds and started staggering their bedtimes, it’s gotten so much easier. And I know what you mean, it’s impossible to get much done when they’re awake!

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